Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday September 23, 2014

Gold Day

There is a Ad Hoc Meeting for the Honors Program this afternoon in the library at 3:00 pm. Any interested faculty member is encouraged to attend.

Happy Birthday to Mrs. Chapdelane

Lunch today is a Monte Cristo sandwich.

Today is the day for our second evacuation drill of the year. There are some new procedures that your teachers will be going over with you at the start of class. We will be letting people know about this drill prior to the alarm system going off and we will review the procedures expected for students at that point. Again, these drills are incredibly important to be prepared in the event of any kind of emergency. Later this week we will also be practicing our other two drills and again we will be getting on the intercom and letting people know what the appropriate procedures are. I ask that all students and staff be patient, supportive and focused as we practice our safety drills this week.