Monday, September 8, 2014

Fwd: [PCSS_Staff] [Class of 2015] Senior Yearbook Info!

Yearbook Announcements!!!

Howdy! If for some reason you did not receive your senior yearbook packet in the mail last week there are extra packets on the bulletin board outside of the cafet.  Please pay attention to the dates on the cover letter:

Polls and Bios due by Oct. 17th
Senior and Baby Pics due by Oct. 31

 P.S- I forgot to ask about Brother/Sister pairs in your senior bio.  If you have a brother or sister that you would like to have a picture with in the yearbook as part of our brother/sister page please email me directly so that I can make a list and get that crackin. 

Thanks and kick butt at homecoming!!

Beth Ann MacNeil
Ed Tech III/Yearbook Advisor
Piscataquis Community High School