Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Gold 2 day- Advisory

Pirate Specials will be on Wednesday of the fourth quarter. Everyone should be scheduled and if you can not see which one you have see Mrs. McPhail for assistance.

Any Senior that has confirmed their plans for next year please see Mrs. McPhail.

At the Compass meeting last night we made some minor changes to the daily schedule that will begin on Monday of next week, the first day of the quarter. We will do morning announcements at the end of the first period at 9:02 and the high school lunches will switch. 9th and 10th will eat last lunch and 11 and 12 will eat first lunch.

Lunch today is French Toast and sausage

Quote of the day

If we weren't all crazy we would go insane.

Jimmy Buffet