Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday February 8, 2016

Gold 1 Day - Advisory

Congratulations to all Denver Broncos and all their fans on their superbowl win.

At his time the Boys HS Basketball prelim game scheduled for tomorrow night at Dexter is still a go. However the Girls HS Basketball game scheduled for tonight has been postponed due to the inclement weather predicted for this evening. More information to come later as to when that game will be played.

Compass Team Meeting tonight.


Here’s the rundown for what we have planned for Winter Carnival.

There will be a class competition Food Drive the will run the entire week. All food donations should be left with Mr. Mahue in the office…don’t tell her yet though.

Seniors- Hawaii
Juniors- New Orleans
Sophomores- Alaska
Freshman- Greece

Class Colors
Seniors- Black
Juniors- Gray
Sophomore- Blue
Freshman- White

Hallway Decorating:
Seniors- from double doors to Mr. Bottings door
Juniors- from Mr. Botting’s door to lockers beyond Mr. Gaw’s door.
Sophomores- from Exit doors to Mr. Witicks closest door
Freshman- from lockers beyond Mr. Gaw’s to Mr. Witick’s door

Week’s Schedule:
Monday- Pajama Day - Period 2 Planning and Work session

Tuesday - Hick Day & No Cell Phone Day - Period 2 work session

Wednesday - Class Color Day - Period 2 Planning and Work Session Afternoon Snowmobile Ride(12:00 Mr. Marden needs permission slips)

Thursday - Theme Day - Afternoon Activities at 12:00 Skits, Sled Race and Gym Activities - Grades 9-12 Eat at 11:30

Friday - School Spirit Day blue and gold- Town Meeting 8:15 followed by Talent Show and possibly the Mallet Brothers performance then wrap up.