Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday May 27, 2015

Blue Day

We will have visitors in the building this afternoon from PCES. Our new class of seventh graders will be joining us this afternoon. We ask that all students make them feel welcome and show them what a great place PCSS is.

Good Luck to the Tennis team and the JV tracksters in their meets this afternoon.

High Schoolers don't forget that today is RTI week and that if you owe work you need to go to the assigned teacher for your pirate specials. Students who have their work complete will be eating first lunch and then reporting to the gym for the PIRATE CHALLENGE!!!

Congratulations to the middle school track team yesterday for their success at the Middle School invitational at UMAINE.  Mya Young placed 4th in the high jump with a 4 foot 4 inch jump. Jemyni True placed 4th in the Hurdles while only being seeded 15th. Great job to all the athletes that participated

Lunch Today   is Ham and sweet potatoe fries

Quote of the day

Try to make at least one person happy every day. If you cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word. If you cannot speak a kind word, think a kind thought. Count up, if you can, the treasure of happiness that you would dispense in a week, in a year, in a lifetime!