Gold Day
Congratulations to the Girls Basketball teams last night. The JV team nearly toppled their GSA opponent and in the varsity game a low scoring nail biter nearly gave coach gaw a coronary, however the lady Pirates prevailed 28-26.
Good Luck to our High School Boys basketball teams as they take on PVHS in an away contest tonight. Ans good luck to the middle school B Basketball teams as the oppose Sabasticook middle school at home tonight.
A reminder to high school students that you will be receiving an email sometime before Monday explaining where you should be reporting for make up work on Monday during Pirate Specials. If you do not receive an email you will be reporting to the Gym during the first lunch and you will be eating second lunch.
Lunch Today is assorted sandwiches
Quote of the day
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.