Thursday, June 9, 2016

Softball @ Narraguagus

The quarter final softball game vs Narraguagus in Harrington tomorrow Thursday June 9 (or today depending on when your reading this) is scheduled for a 3:00 start.

Due to a lack of bus drivers we are having to be creative in our transportation. We will be taking the 2 school vans and Jeff Lamb will be driving his truck (to transport his daughter and the gear). 

Coach Tom Riitano will be driving one van and Mr. Keane will drive the other to Bangor were he will hook up with me, who will already be at a meeting in Bangor, and trade places. I will continue on to the game and Mr. Keane will take my truck 4 wheeling back to Guilford...remember to push the traction control button if you want to do really good donuts.

We will need to depart at 11:00am sharp in order to pull this all together and arrive on time. Please dismiss the softball team at 10:45.

Thank you.
Brian Gaw
PCHS/PCMS Athletic Director