Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday March 31, 2016

Gold 1 day - Advisory

Tomorrow marks the end of the third ranking period. As mentioned earlier this week we intend  to switch the 9-10 and 11- 12 lunches starting in the 4th Quarter, that would be on Monday. Also next Wednesday is when Pirate specials start up for the fourth quarter and will happen during Wednesday SPARK time. We will follow the same schedule as friday RTI time.

To find out when you are to eat lunch please click on the Daily announcements and read the post from today:

Lunch A
Wilderness survivial
Athletic Training
Flag Football
Jr Maine Guide
Roller Blading/Rock Climbing
Health Occupations

Lunch B

Video Games
Adventure SPorts
You Tubing
Book Club
African Drumming
Chess Photography
Henna Tattoos

Ant staff member that has a Student of The Month nomination please send it to Mr. Keane ASAP by Friday.

A reminder to staff to teachers to do the Homework in Assessment for Learning Chapter 7 - and have a rubric ready for Monday Staff meeting.

Lunch today is Pizza

Quote of the day

There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory. Josh Billings