Gold 2 day- Reading for life
Good luck again to our Middle School A girls team and the HS Boys Varsity team tonight. There games from last night were moved to this evening. For the girls this is a playoff game and for the HS boys it is their Senior Night.
Also tonight our HS Girls Varsity and JV teams will be playing at Lee. Good luck to them on their last regular season game.
Seniors. You have one day left to get your dues in and get a cap and gown. Tomorrow Josten's will be in at 7:30 to start their fittings for all seniors. Make sure you are here and you have your senior dues paid.
Middle Schoolers who are going skiing, make sure you get your paperwork into Mrs. Rich for tomorrow.
A correction from earlier this week. It was research in Mrs. Doherty's class that if the Ground hog does not see his shadow on Groundhog day, which was the case this year, we will NOT have six more weeks of winter. It was reported the opposite on Tuesday
Lunch today is Pizza
Quote of the day is
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within.