Gold 1 - RTI day
Great Job to the Lady Pirate BBall teams last night for the two outstanding games vs Schenck. Both JV and Varsity came out with wins and the Varsity game was quite the squeaker until late in the game.
Great job to the PCHS pep Band last night as well with their display of great range and melody.
Good Luck to the middle school A team tonight vs Hitchborne right here at home.
Good luck to the Boys JV and varsity as they travel to East millinocket to take on the Schenck Wolverines.
Lunch Today is assorted sandwiches
Quote of the day
I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.