Blue 2 Day - Advisory
Tyla G. and Dan M. Stephen B. to the office
Best of luck to the HS girls soccer tonight in their away matchup vs Dexter.
On Friday our early release day, we will be having periods 1 2 and part of three lunch will be 11:10. Students who do not eat lunch and are walkers/or have their own transportation may leave at that time. All other students will have lunch until 11:30 and then busses will be dismissed. During period 1 we will call down students to Pirate Muster and that will last about one period.
Great job with yesterdays evacuation drill! We were out of the building in 1:05 and all accounted for in 5 minutes.
Lunch today is Spaghetti
Quote of the day an original from Mr. Carey
"When you think are a hammer everything looks like a nail"