Happy Friday!!!
Today is an early release day. The schedule was posted on the rusty rudder and now it is posted on today's announcements.
8:00- 8:38 am Period 1
8:40- 9:13 am Period 2
9:15 - 9:53 am Period 3
9:55 - 10:33 am Period 4
10:35 - 11:10 am Period 5
At 11:10 when students are dismissed, walkers, riders and those that will be picked up may leave ASAP. Bus students need to report to the cafeteria for lunch and await dismissal at 11:30.
The following seniors need to see Mr. Keane in the lobby directly after announcements this morning:
Today is the day to have all paperwork in. If your has not been returned by the end of the day. Mrs. Maheu will let the dogs out and they will find you!
Lunch today is Assorted Sandwiches
Good Luck to our HS Field Hockey Team tonight as they take on John Bapst and Good luck to the HS Boys soccer in their Home opener as they square off against the Dexter Tigers. Our HS Girls Soccer team also opens up at home tomorrow vs Dexter at 10:00 am.
Quote if the day
Musical Quote of the day sent our to our athletes for the weekend contests!!
Kanye West - Harder Faster Higher Stronger